Richardson International Sets Vessel Loading Record

January 20, 2009 (Vancouver, BC)
Richardson International Limited (“Richardson”) announced today the successful loading of more than 65,500 metric tonnes of Canola on board a single vessel from its Vancouver terminal. In doing so, Richardson set a record for volume of canola loaded aboard a vessel in the Port of Vancouver. The Medi Sentosa, a vessel bound for United Arab Emirates was loaded in a seven-day period, from January 8th to January 15th. The previous record, 65,250 metric tonnes, was also set by Richardson in 2008.

The magnitude of the feat is made even more impressive by the speed with which the Medi Sentosa was loaded from a single berth, notwithstanding adverse weather conditions. Darwin Sobkow, Richardson Vice-President Agribusiness Operations, commended the effort of Richardson’s personnel. “This type of result depends on great team effort. I am extremely proud of our Vancouver terminal staff and management who worked very hard to load the Medi Sentosa. I am also very pleased with the ability of our primary elevator staff and our logistics department who were able to move the canola from all parts of Western Canada to Vancouver, despite glacial weather throughout the Prairies. This exemplifies the quality of our staff, the potential of our facility and the efficiency of our operations.”

Richardson’s President, Curt Vossen, believes the company’s recent growth, through the addition and expansion of several grain handling facilities, was an important factor in the Vancouver terminal’s record-setting execution. “The expansion of our grain handling network by more than 50% since 2007 provides us with a greater ability to source grain from all areas of Western Canada and to position it at our terminals in time to suit our customers’ needs. Reliable shipping also allows us to develop new marketplaces for Canadian commodities, including United Arab Emirates.” Vossen adds that efficient execution of grain transportation logistics benefits all stakeholders: producers who can sell and deliver greater quantities of grain in a timely fashion; grain companies who can execute a greater number of sales; end-use customers who can rely on a trustworthy supply of Canadian agricultural commodities; and the Port of Vancouver which benefits from reduced congestion within its waters.”

The Medi Sentosa is expected to arrive in Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates by mid-February, 2009.

About Richardson International Limited
Richardson International Limited, a subsidiary of James Richardson & Sons, Limited, is the largest privately-owned Canadian agribusiness. It handles all major grains, oilseeds, and special crops and sells crop inputs and related services through farm service centres throughout Canada. Richardson International Limited, which has 1,400 employees, is also actively involved in food processing through its subsidiary Richardson Oilseed Limited.

For more information please contact:
Jean-Marc Ruest
Vice-President, Corporate Affairs and General Counsel
Telephone: 204.934.5488

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