Delivery Instructions
To facilitate seed delivery to the Richardson Oilseed site at Yorkton, please:
- Arrive within your assigned delivery window.
- Have your Order Number and/or RFID Access Card ready, upon arrival. RFID access cards are available at any PIO location or through Richardson’s Winnipeg trucking team.
Please note the following:
- The Richardson Oilseed Yorkton driveway gates open at 6:00am. Probe house operations are from 7:00am to 6:00pm, Monday through Friday.
- The on-site speed limit is 15 km/hr.
- Restrooms can be found at the northeast corner of the inbound probe/scale house.
- Smoking and littering are prohibited on the premises.
- Questions may be directed to All.Trucking@richardson.ca.
Step-by-Step Guide
Use the arrows below to navigate through each step of the slideshow.